Christian Living, Ministry

Your Awesome Love for Me

Have you reflected recently on the love of Christ? Have you paused from the busyness of life, family, and ministry just to view it all through the lens of Christ’s love for us? In this short post, I would like to simply inspire reflection and meditation on Christ’s love. Take a moment today to reflect on the awesome love of Christ from two perspectives: who He is and who I am.

When I think of who He is…

In John’s Gospel, he refers to himself most often as the disciple “whom Jesus loved.” At first, this seems like a boastful title. Remember, though, that these words were written many years after Christ’s death and resurrection.

I imagine John reflected often on the life and ministry of Jesus. While Jesus was alive, John may have sensed His love, but only in part. The full realization of this love came with the realization of who Jesus really is. The transfiguration, the empty tomb, and Christ’s appearance in the upper room all confirmed to John how amazing that love truly was.

John must have been overwhelmed when he compared his experience of Christ’s love with the new realization of Christ’s deity. I can’t imagine the emotion he would have felt every time he penned the words, “whom Jesus loved.”

Stop reading for a moment and just say to yourself, “Jesus loves me.” It’s a simple but profound truth in light of who He is. Don’t let that be a cliché. Remember who He is and stand amazed in the presence of His glorious love!

When I think of who I am…

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. –Romans 5:8

A consideration of who Jesus is will inevitably lead me to consider who I am. I stand in stark contrast to all that Jesus is. While He is eternal, I am temporal. While He is holy, I am a sinner. While He is omnipotent, I am weak. It is a great wonder that God would take notice of us. The psalmist phrased this so powerfully in Psalm 8:

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? –Psalm 8:3-4

We know how wicked the world has been and how it continues to reject God’s great gift. This truth will never move you if you’re content to reflect on the fact that God loves the world. But each one of us is intimately familiar with his shortcomings before God. It is only as we personalize this contrast that we can truly be amazed by God’s love. We must ask, “Who am that God would love me?

Remember, God is intimately (in fact, perfectly) familiar with your thoughts, motives, and all your deeds. But looking out eternally, He saw you, He knew you, and He chose to love you all the same. With that in mind, we can truly exclaim with the songwriter,

“I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me, a sinner condemned unclean. How marvelous, how wonderful is my Savior’s love for me.”

I could certainly take the time to list all the attributes of God and all the ways we fall short of His glory, but instead, I encourage you to listen to this song entitled, “Your Awesome Love for Me.” The text and music of this piece go beyond the power of words in expressing the magnificence of God’s love for us.

Almighty God and King, Maker of earth; angels and saints proclaim Your matchless worth. One cannot comprehend ev-‘ry-thing You are. The greatest mystery; Your awesome love for me.

Living in light of His love…

As you’ve taken a moment to reflect, ask yourself:

  • Who in my life am I failing to love as Christ loved me?
  • Who do I need to forgive as Christ forgave and loved me?
  • How can I demonstrate my love for others in a tangible, meaningful way today?
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About John Tyler

John is the Administrative Director at Biblical Ministries Worldwide in Lawrenceville, GA where he moved with his family in 2021. Prior to this role, he served as the Music Department Chair at West Coast Baptist College. He is currently earning a DMA in music education from Boston University focusing on spirituality and transformative worship experiences.
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